

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Christmassssss! :'D


Okay, firstly, TYSM FOR THE 700 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only expected like 500 by xmas!!! :'D
Ilysm guys! x And, happy christmas!!!
What did you guys get? I hope you got what you wanted! :3

I hope you have a great christmas for the rest of today, and I hope you've already had a great one. Comment what you got in the comments section if you want - I'll look and reply to them all!

I might have an xmas party on msp later, so be sure to come along! :)

We also need to remember, christmas Isn't just about receiving, It's also about giving, and seeing the joy of others. But the main reason why we celebrate christmas and get all these lovely things is Jesus. He sacrificed himself for us all. Now, I do believe in god and Jesus, and I am a christian. I do not mean to offend any other religion by this post, as I believe in treating everyone equally.
But, to all those who believe, and for all those who don't believe, MERRY CHRISTMAS! :)))))

Here's some pics ;)

Bye bye guys.
We wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!!! </3 ♥


(P.s. This is just the music, no singing :) )

Tuesday 24 December 2013


So, I guess I met a 3 year old? On msp today. She asked me for a wishy, and this is how it went...
I mean, She didn't see that one coming? o.o
I really wanna whack her. -.-
I mean, Is she really THAT thick not to think I would say something like that??? o.o
Oh well, Byeeee...


Hey, so, I'm just wondering, does anyone know how to change the time on a blog? If you do message me on msp or comment on here. Thanks.
It's just the fact that My clock on my blog is either fast or slow O,,,,,O Cause when It was like 01:50 lastnight, it said it was like 7:34 or something O,O

Anywho, I need help on how to change it ;-;


Monday 23 December 2013

Boredddddddd .-. ¬.¬ -.- ;-;

Yah, It's like 01:41 (twenty to two) In the morning, But I just wanna say this...People come online! Jessies lonley c:
But that's not the main reason I made the post, ofc. :3 AND I CANT EVEN FUCKING REMEMBER WHY I DECIDED TO MAKE THIS FUCKING POST. SHIT .-.

Sorry for zee bad language. But I really cant remember, and I'm bored. I'm just sitting here reading creepypasta stories, and taking creepypasta quizzes on quotev, bored shitless :/

Oh well, Until later todayyy....

(Ps. It's like 01:48 now c: )



WDF O.O I Was browsing through the forums earlier, and I saw this forum...
I mean... There's like 7 year olds on this...Why the fuck would they end up with a hangover? o.o

but then after than, when I scrolled down, I pissed myself laughing (Not literally guys o.o) At Redllama's post. :3

(Btw click to enlargeeee~♥)

Yeah well....I'm gonna leave her comment for your dirty minds to decide what it means~♥ XD

Buh-Bye! :'P


OMG!! ♥☆♥☆♥☆

Tysm guys for 600 loves!!!!!!! I only expected about 500 before christmas!!!! Tysm!!!!!! So far we have....606!  Keep it up guys! ☆♥

Hopefully, we can get 700 loves before new year? Hopefully, we can do it! Before the 1st Jan!!!
And right now, I'm addicted to the song: 'Hey soul sister' Chimpunk version ¬.¬ -.-   .-.

I'm crazy XD
Until my next post, (Which will be sometime later on tonight,)

Adios! :'3


Saturday 21 December 2013

New levels? :O

I know everyone's making forums about this on msp, but I decided to make this blog post anyway because I was bored, and for anyone who hasn't seen this on their profiles when they log on, I'm gonna show you now. :p

I think, they might be adding new levels as every morning when I log on, I see that my fame bar says that I'm level 100. What do you think? Write your suggestions in the comment box below :D

This Is just a short post, 'cause I'll be adding more later. :'3

Bye bye ∩( ・ω・)∩ 
