

Tuesday 26 November 2013


Okee, Hiya guys :3
I'm pretty sure you've all heard of the game; Super Mario Sunshine, right?
Well, if you haven't, YOU HAVEN'T LIVED! X-O
XD Okee, over that faze now. XD 

Anywaaaay, I've been REALLY REALLY addicted to this game. Idk why, but I've had this idea, where I play on all the old gamecube, PS1, Etc. Games that I used to love.
(E.G. Paper mario, Mario sunshine etc.)
Just saying this, but I'll try to post, but I'll probably end up forgetting to keep updating it XD
(I Only made this post to say WHY I wont be posting If I don't post. XD)

-Jess out. :P

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